Bail Bonds Articles

Blog #6 Skipping Bail (2) (002)

Posted by & filed under Bail Topics, Bond Services.

After you’ve been detained by police and released on bail, the stress and life challenges that result from your arrest can feel too overwhelming to bear. The idea of packing up your belongings and riding off into the sunset may seem quite alluring. But failure to appear in court (a.k.a. “skipping bail”) carries serious consequences. A bail bond functions as a monetary guarantee that the defendant will follow their release guidelines and attend their scheduled court dates. When a defendant violates the terms of this agreement, the freedom and flexibility granted by the bail bond go out the window. If you or a loved one skip bail, the events that follow can lead to additional penalties, charges, and jail time.

First, the defendant’s surety bond is revoked by law, meaning the bail agreement between the individual and their bondsman is considered no longer valid. The court seizes all monetary payments that were made to the bond agency in order to cover the original bail amount. This includes any collateral the defendant put down as part of their bail agreement.

Next, the court will issue a warrant for your arrest. This warrant is submitted to a federal database, notifying officers nationwide to be on the lookout. Crossing state lines or borders will not allow you to hide. Once you’re located by either law enforcement, skip tracers, or bounty hunters, you’ll be taken into police custody and held until your trial.

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In addition to being arrested, skipping bail may result in additional financial penalties and criminal charges. If you attempted to leave the area, these consequences will be magnified.

Finally, skipping bail gravely impacts the outcome of your case. Failure to appear in court suggests to the judge or jury that you have something to hide, that you’re fleeing out of guilt. They will be far less likely to show leniency, your tarnished reputation will create holes in your defense, and your chances for an unfavorable verdict increase.

If you or a loved one has skipped bail (whether intentionally or by accident), take action as soon as possible. It’s crucial to keep an open line of communication with everyone involved in your case, so if you’ve missed a past appointment or are unable to attend an upcoming court date, contact your lawyer and our bail agents immediately. Skipping bail creates an emotionally and financially taxing predicament for you, your family, and all others connected to the bond agreement. Rather than flee, encourage yourself or a loved one to diligently handle the legal dilemma and seek justice. Good people can find themselves in bad situations, but they always have time to make things right.

If you or a loved one has recently been arrested, expert support is only a phone call away!

At Off the Hook Bail Bonding, we know your time is valuable and our mission is to get you out of a holding cell and back to your home as fast as possible. Our skilled bond agents work tirelessly to provide our clients with the best possible support during this difficult time. From flexible payment options to expert guidance and service, Off the Hook Bail Bonds can be a truly invaluable resource for you or your loved ones. Get out of jail and back to your life – call us today for help!

Blog #5 Misconceptions

Posted by & filed under Bail Topics, Bond Services.

Bail bonds are a valuable yet frequently misunderstood aspect of the criminal justice system. Without first-hand experience in the bail bonding process, a person can easily be unfamiliar with how they function, who has access to them, and their overall purpose. Let’s explore the seven most common misconceptions that surround the bail bond industry and provide clarity on the important role a bond plays in the arrest and release process. By debunking these myths, we’ll highlight the benefits of using a bail bonding company, resolve any confusion, and help our clients make an informed decision should the need for our Off the Hook services arise.

Myth 1: Bail bonds can only be used for serious crimes.

As long as a bail amount is set by the judge, the nature of the crime does not dictate whether a bond can be used. Instead, bail bonds can be applied to a variety of offenses, from minor traffic violations to high-level felonies.

Myth 2: Bail bonds are too expensive and not a feasible option.

Not only are bonds far more affordable than paying the full amount of bail upfront, but they also allow for a quicker release. Although bail agents charge a non-refundable fee (usually 10-15% of the total bail amount), their flexible payment options, expedited defendant release, and expert guidance throughout the process are well worth the minor service charge.

Myth 3: Bail bonds are not reliable or secure.

Bail bonds are highly reliable for two reasons: they are regulated by the state, and bondsmen adhere to strict guidelines to ensure they provide safe and consistent service to their clients.

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Myth 4: Bail bonds are non-confidential and can be shared publicly.

Bail bonds are confidential by nature. Any information shared between the bondsman and their client is protected by law, and bail bonds are not disclosed on public records.

Myth 5: Bail bonds are only for people who can’t post the full amount of bail.

A professional jail bonding company provides far more than just a check for bail. They offer quicker releases and expert guidance throughout the bail process. Any client, regardless of their financial means, can benefit from the help of a skilled bond agent.

Myth 6: Bondsmen only accept cash payments.

At Off the Hook Bail Bonding, understanding our clients’ situations and means is a top priority. As such, we offer a variety of flexible services and easy-to-meet payment options, including pay-by-phone and online bond applications. We are not limited to cash payments, and we accept all major credit card companies.

Myth 7: Bail can only be paid at the jail where the client is being held.

Our bond agents can help you from anywhere within the large network of North Carolina counties we serve. One call to our bondsmen, and we can get the process started immediately. We’re available 24/7, 365 days a year, ready to serve our clients wherever and whenever.

In truth, bail bonds are an affordable option and vital resource for defendants being held behind bars. They are a secure solution that can be used in a variety of situations, and the feasible and flexible aspects of a bond allow for a quicker and cost-effective release from jail. While every arrest brings its own unique set of challenges, researching and staying up to date on the bail process (just as you’re doing right now) will help you decide the best course of action for you or your loved one and navigate the process with confidence.

If you or a loved one has recently been arrested, expert support is only a phone call away!

At Off the Hook Bail Bonding, we know your time is valuable and our mission is to get you out of a holding cell and back to your own home as fast as possible. Our skilled bond agents work tirelessly to provide our clients with the best possible support during this difficult time. From flexible payment options to expert guidance and service, Off the Hook bail bonds can be a truly invaluable resource for you or your loved ones. Get out of jail and back to your life – call us today for help!

Skip Tracing 4 (1)

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One of the many services we offer at Off the Hook Bail Bonds is skip tracing. If you’ve never had to navigate the bail bonding process, you may be unfamiliar with this term and how bondsmen apply it to their cases. Skip tracing services are used to locate a defendant who’s “skipped bail,” meaning they failed to appear in court, or they violated the terms of their release agreement. A vital part of business, skip tracing services provide bondsmen and co-signers alike a valuable resource for tracking unresponsive or missing defendants.

How does skip tracing work?

The first step to locating a “skipper” is by verifying their personal information on file. Incorrect contact information, such as a home address and phone number, is often the primary reason for an unresponsive defendant. However, if the contact information is verified to be accurate and the defendant is still unlocatable, a bondsman may hire a professional skip tracer to locate the missing party. Professional skip tracers have access to databases and additional resources that help them locate individuals who are trying to stay off the radar. The tracer will comb through public records (such as address history, tax records, employment history, etc…) in an effort to gather any form of information on the individual.

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If public records do not provide enough data to locate the individual, the tracer will then reach out to family members and friends of the defendant. It’s common for a defendant who skips bail to inform a close, personal connection of their plans and whereabouts. With ethical, persuasive techniques, the skip tracer may encourage their friends and family to reveal any information they may have on the defendant’s current location.

If the skip tracing services are unable to pinpoint the defendant, a bail bondsman may use surveillance techniques. This could involve staking out the individual’s last known address or following them discreetly to track their daily movement and whereabouts.

Ultimately, the goal of skip tracing is to locate the defendant, return them to court, and hold them accountable for their actions. Bail bondsmen play a crucial role in this process. Our agents at Off the Hook use their expertise, intel, and professional connections to ensure all parties involved with the bond follow the terms of agreement. We find that by offering skip tracing services, we provide a layer of reassurance to our clients – knowing that Off the Hook will use all available resources to create a positive bail bond experience. To learn more about skip tracing or any of the other services we offer, visit our bond services page or call today to chat with one of our experts.

The Pros of Using a Bail Bond Agent (Blog #3)

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When a loved one is arrested, the experience can be stressful and overwhelming for everyone involved. At Off the Hook Bail Bonds, we believe the ideal place to prepare for trial is at home, rather than a holding cell. However, the defendant release process can be arduous, time-consuming, and costly. If you or someone you love has been detained by police, a bail bondsman is a valuable resource for getting out of jail quickly and effectively. There are several benefits to using a bail bond agent:

Faster release from jail – Bail bondsmen, like our skilled agents at Off the Hook, are experts in their field. They’ve fostered business relationships with law enforcement and judicial members who manage the bond process. Because of their insider knowledge and professional connections, bond agents can expedite defendant release by knowing who to contact and what to avoid.

Payment plans and options Courts require the bond to be paid in full prior to the defendant’s release. Bail bond agents offer flexible payment plans that allow the defendant or cosigner to pay off the bond over a period of time. Bail bondsmen consider the needs of their clients and develop an installment plan that fits their monthly budget. At Off the Hook, we offer flexible payment options, such as pay by phone and online bond applications, and we accept all major credit cards.

The Pros of Using a Bail Bond Agent (Blog #3) (2)

Respectful and reliable client service – Banks, law enforcement, court officials, and family members may treat a defendant with judgment or contempt and refuse a request for help. However, Off the Hook Bail Bond agents know that good people can end up in precarious situations, and we listen through a posture of respect and understanding. Our mission is to get our clients out of jail and back to their lives as fast as possible, and we do so by offering high-quality service and reliable solutions.

Working as a team > handling the situation alone – The bail bond system is slow-moving and complex. Mistakes and missteps can lead to added complications and jail time. Bail bond agents, however, are expert guides to the process and use their knowledge and experience to usher your case through the system efficiently.

Get out of jail and get back to your life – Using a bail bondsmen agency leverages your position in a legal dilemma. A release from jail provides you extra time, comfort, and flexibility to build a robust defense strategy and await your upcoming trial.

While using a bail bondsman may not be the first thought that comes to mind when you receive a call from the county jail, their guidance and expertise can be invaluable tools. Aside from releasing a defendant from jail, Off the Hook agents offer assurance and peace of mind – relief in knowing your loved one is safe at home, able to continue working, care for their family, and prepare for trial. If you or someone you know has found themselves in a legal bind, Off the Hook is here to serve you quickly, respectfully, and effectively. Call us today for help!

Types of Bail Bonds (Blog #2)

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At Off The Hook Bail Bonding, we believe a bondsman’s job does not stop once the defendant is released. We’re here to help guide you through the twists and turns of our legal system, offering answers and assistance to anyone trying to navigate the bail bond process. Our mission is to get you out of holding and back to the comfort of your own home as fast as possible. To do that, Off The Hook agents have an astute knowledge of all kinds of bond situations and can accommodate both misdemeanor and felony bonds. While our expert team is on call and ready to help 24/7, we believe that keeping our clients informed on the bail process (procedures, terminology, etc..) allows us to improve our methodology and our quality of service. In this article, we’ll review the different categories of bail bonds that exist in our modern day.

First, what is a bail bond? How many kinds are there, and what are the specifics of each one?

A bail bond is a refundable deposit that allows a defendant to be released from jail until their court date. Bail bonds serve as monetary guarantees that the released defendant will remain in the area and appear in court on their scheduled days and times.

There are two categories of bonds:

Unsecured bond – The magistrate sets an amount for the bond; however, the defendant is not required to pay it to be released. Instead, the bail amount functions as a monetary judgment that is entered against the defendant if they break the conditions of their release. For example, if a defendant who was released on an unsecured bond is arrested for not appearing in court, then they are required to pay the full amount of the bond and an additional, higher bond to be released from jail a second time.

Secured bond – This is the most common type of bond. Once set by the judge, the defendant can only be released from jail by paying the full amount of bail in cash, through a bonding company (like Off the Hook), or by using their property as collateral.

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Within the secured category, there are four main types of bonds:

Own Recognizance – the court trusts the defendant to remain in the area and appear in court, so no dollar amount is assigned as bail. The defendant signs a written agreement to be released.

Cash Bonds – the defendant or a cosigner pays the full amount of bail. Most courts accept cash, cashier’s checks, and credit cards as forms of payment.

Property Bonds – a piece of property (of equal or greater value) is used as collateral for the bail. The court places a lien on the property until all court dates are met.

Surety Bonds – a bail bonds company covers the full bail amount. The defendant is charged a percentage of the bail in fees to the agency.

Outside of the main four, the less common types of bonds are:

A citation bond – this bond is similar to a ticket or citation.

An immigration bond – this bond applies when the defendant is arrested by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).

A federal bond – this bond is paid through a federal court.

Navigating through a legal dilemma and the bail process can be an overwhelming experience, but our team of bond experts is here to provide guidance, advice, and support every step of the way. If you or someone you care about is in trouble, don’t delay. Speak with one of our skilled agents and get back to your home and life today!

The Arrest and Bail Process (Blog #1) (1)

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If you’ve never faced criminal charges and had to navigate through the U.S. legal system, you’re likely unfamiliar with the arrest and bail process. Maybe you feel it’s an elusive topic – something that crosses your mind while you’re watching the news, but you won’t have to confront it in your normal day-to-day. While we genuinely hope that you never find yourself in a holding cell, life can be unpredictable, and adversity strikes when you least expect it. At Off the Hook Bail Bonds, we understand that good people can fall into bad situations. We are always here to help and never here to judge. For the purposes of this article, let’s assume that you or a loved one has been detained by police. Here’s everything you would need to know about how the process unfolds.

First, you got arrested, uh oh! You found yourself in police custody after one of two scenarios: 

  1. You were caught in the act of committing a crime (or under reasonable suspicion of committing a crime) and are arrested at the scene immediately. 
  2. After further investigating a crime, the police identify you as the offender, and a judge issues a warrant for your arrest.

Regardless of the scenario, the arrest and booking process that follows is fairly similar. A police officer will handcuff you and pat you down to ensure you’re not carrying a weapon. They will remind you of your Miranda Rights and your legal ability to remain silent during questioning (these rights are crucial). You’ll then be transported to the police station where the officers will conduct further searches and claim your possessions. The station will provide you with a document that lists all of the personal possessions they claim. You’ll use this form to retrieve your items upon release; however, certain possessions may be withheld indefinitely if they are marked as evidence of the crime. Additionally, the jail may require you to change out of your clothes and wear a specific uniform. 

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Following the search and claim of possessions, you’ll be fingerprinted and have a mugshot taken for police records. Depending on the crime, you may have your cheek swabbed for DNA analysis. The booking process usually takes several hours to complete. During this time, you’ll be placed in a holding cell and given access to make one phone call to a friend, family member, or attorney. Finally, the police may conduct an interrogation, where they will reiterate your Miranda Rights and ask questions which you can choose not to answer. 

Within 48 hours of your arrest (this timeframe is subject to change depending on the situation), you’ll be taken before a judge or magistrate who will determine the severity of your crime, bail amount, and any additional conditions for your release. The judge will also determine the type of bail. There are four primary categories: own recognizance, cash bonds, property bonds, and surety bonds. Surety bail is an Off the Hook bondsman’s domain – the defendant is unable to pay the full amount out-of-pocket and requires a bondsmen agency to cover the cost while they pay an agreed-upon percentage in fees. Once the bail is paid and written agreements are signed, you’re released! You can take a breath for a moment, but what comes next? First, you’ll need to return to your current residence, stay in the area, and make arrangements to appear in court on all scheduled dates. Depending on the conditions of your release, you may be required to wear a GPS monitoring device.   

Between the period of release to court appearance, you can either employ your own lawyer or receive a court-appointed attorney (per your sixth amendment right to counsel). You can also choose to represent yourself if desired. During this time, you and your attorney will develop a defense strategy to prove innocence or lessen legal culpability. Thanks to one of our skilled bond agents, you’ll be able to prepare this strategy in the comfort of your own home rather than a holding cell. 

Finally, your court date arrives, and a trial by a judge or jury will investigate the crime and charges. The duration of the trial is dependent on a variety of conditions, but eventually, it will conclude when the judge or jury determines the status of your innocence and, if applicable, assigns a sentence for the charges.

Whether it’s you or someone you love, the arrest, bail, and criminal defense process can be overwhelming and challenging to navigate. That’s why our skilled agents at Off The Hook are here to help you get out of jail and back to your life as fast as possible. 24/7, 365 days a year, we’re on call and ready to assist you with high-quality, reliable service. Call us today to learn more!

Toy Drive

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As we get ready for the busy holiday season let’s take a moment to help out our local children that won’t be as fortunate without your help, THOSE BEHIND THE BADGE has teamed up with Off The Hook Bail Bonds to sponsor our second annual Christmas Toy Drive for the local children of The Bair Foundation of Wilmington, NC. We will be accepting unwrapped toys, gift cards, and cash donations

So come by our office downtown Wilmington November 22nd 106 N. Water St. #103 Wilmington, NC 28401 (9:30am-5:00pm) and help make the difference in a child’s Christmas!

Thank you!

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With the over crowed jail population of many states being the target of certain human rights groups such as the ACLU, Arnold Foundation, and NAACP. These groups have set their sites on the bail bonding industry by saying that they “prey on those who can’t afford bail.” Some states have or will be going to a form of Bail Reform such as New Jersey, Alaska, parts of New Mexico, Texas, in a few months New York, in 2020 California is going to vote on it. Of the mentioned states, Alaska and Texas have since reversed their failed bail reform policy with other states considering doing the same.

As a current bail agent for twenty two years I have seen a lot over the years. I know many of you reading this will think I am biased on my stance on bail reform and to a point you are correct because I know our value to the public, but hear me out.

Can we both agree that a person is usually arrested when there is enough suspicion or evidence that a person has done something against our current laws? When this person is arrested they go before a judge/magistrate to determine the severity of the crime, risk to the community, and the risk of returning to court for trial. A judge is going to set a bond dollar amount that can be secured or unsecured at the discretion of the judge. At this point some of you are saying that there shouldn’t be a dollar amount attached to someones release but everyone has to be treated equally and how can you do that if some get out for free and some have to pay a bond? Some of you would say to let them all out for free because they haven’t been convicted of anything yet. Well our system will NEVER be completely fair for all but letting everyone out without some form of accountability is unacceptable. When a person is facing having to pay a bond they can pay the whole bond themselves and get it all back when they complete court or they can hire a bail bondsman and pay a percentage of the bond. When you hire a bondsman he or she is now being held accountable for that defendant to appear in court for all court dates until there is a final judgment on that person’s case. Do you know that some cases are continued for up to three years! During this period of time many things can happen and often these people relocate. Who is going to go find them in order for them to have their day in court? The police that originally arrested the person are restricted to their respective county or state and can’t cross those lines with the power to arrest BUT bail bondmen can. Do you know who pays the bill for state and local law enforcement, the taxpayers do! Do you know who pays for bail bondsmen to travel to all these different places to find and bring back these defendants to stand trial? It was paid by the people that posted bail originally and not the tax payers. Do you want to pay the bill for people to get out of jail that you don’t even know? When people subscribe to the Bail Reform idea that is exactly what you are doing. It has been proven in other states like Alaska and Texas that tried bail reform and returned to using secured bail bonds.

Half of the people let out for ‘Free” failed to appear in court

In the end someone has to pay the bill to to get things done. Im not saying that there can’t be some changes to the way things are done but I am saying the value of a bail bondsman far out weighs going to a system that allows everyone out of jail without any accountability. This debate is similar to the issue of healthcare in our country, should the government pay for it or should each individual cover the cost? We all know when the government picks up the bill its not really free! When considering whether or not to go to bail reform consider the victims of these cases, the community that they will be released into. You can’t always think with your heart when it comes to being fair to everyone involved in a situation with the law.

Toy Drive

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This is the time of year when children need toys the most! On December 21st Off The Hook Bail Bonding will be hosting our first Toy Drive through the group “Those Behind The Badge.”  Donations can be wrapped or unwrapped toys and cash is also acceptable with all proceeds going to the local foster children of the Bair Foundation of Wilmington, NC.

Come out and show your support on December 21, starting at 9:00am and going until atleast 5:00.  There will be New Hanover and Wilmington Police officers here to greet you and thank you for your donation!

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After being on Princess Street for the past four and a half years we have decided to move two blocks away down to 106 Water St. Unit#103 Wilmington, North Carolina directly in front of the USS North Carolina Battleship. We will still offer the fastest bail bonding services to the New Hanover County Courthouse and the jail located at 3950 Juvenile Center Rd Castle Hayne, NC. Since we have moved to this new location we will be able to provide a NEW bail bonding service that we will disclose at a later dat. Thank you Wilmington for allowing us to be the premiere bail bonding company for the second year in a row!